It would be really helpful if there was an unprinted field for each line of a quote invoice. We build a quote from many different products from many different suppliers but don't let the customer see that detail. As an example a line item might sa...
Move VAT reconcile date into the VAT section of settings
The reconcile date for VAT is currently in the 'Advanced' section of settings and not the 'VAT' section - call me a blind dingo but wouldn't it be better to have all of the VAT dealings in the one place?
many companies don’t make a ‘product’ and so this column is useless to them. However it takes up space on the form when you are completing it. If it was removed we would be able to see the description etc more clearly because they would be bigger.
Layout Consistency between creating invoices & packing slips online & how they print.
The printed/PDF invoices and packing slips are great but when it comes to creating them the layout is totally different. Online, the invoice number is on the left whereas its on the right on the print outs/pdf. The customer PO online is between th...
I know you can set levels for each sales code (stock items) below which there is a warning if the stock level drops below this threshold. However, so far as I know the only difference this makes is the colour of the stock item changes when you try...
Multi-user permission with Read / View Only user to certain clients only
I want our accountants to and other departments to great groups or atleast users with different permission
A financial controller might want to give read only view access to his junior accountant to build reports or download invoices and send to ...
As is added access to a sales person, I don't want him to see reports section. Please make amendments so that we can limit access to any additional users.
When editing an invoice - you are allowed to edit the customer address, whether they have a delivery address or not and there is also a button to "Update customer details". This is useful for reformatting paypal imports, where EVERY new invoice ha...