I would like to be able to have some reporting available for "quotes". We are using quotes as sales orders i.e. documenting accepted orders not yet shipped or invoiced and need to be able to easily see, for example, how much of product A we took s...
An email icon next to quotes when they've been sent just like when you have sent invoices!
I am regularly working on more than one quote at a time, while I'm waiting for prices to come back. I don't like the fact I have to click into the quote to see if it has been sent yet. A little email icon appearing next to the quote number like wi...
The COUNTRY column is missing from the Sales -> Customer Report CSV export.
The CSV export contains address lines 1 to 4, postcode and all other details *except* the country field. The documentation states that all customer contact values are ...
VAT returns need to process deleted invoices properly
When an sales invoice that has already been included on a VAT return is deleted, no reversing entry is made on the next open VAT return, meaning the client is not refunded the VAT that has been incorrectly paid.
Need to either update the system s...
Currently the purchase invoice integration from Dext brings in the Vat amount however although the Vat rate can be recorded in Dext the correct Vat rate is not brought across with them all being recorded as 0%. This has been an issue for the last ...
We have facility to select delivery address for goods being purchased (that is different to our Company address), but it does not print on the PDF Purchase Orders that we email to Suppliers, so it is basically a useless facility - as it is our Sup...
Please, for the love of god make a decent mobile app on iOS and provide an apple watch app to look at invoices/balances etc.
All this switching between the app and web pages, and having to sign in each time you do is laborious, and frankly annoyi...
Mileage reclaims for personal vehicles are already covered including the VAT reclaim for the fuel element, however this does not cover the Electric vehicle fuel rate at £0.04 per mile. In future pure electric cars will be the only option and are a...
Is there any chance of adding 'Next' and 'Previous' Buttons when viewing an invoice. We used to have this button at the bottom on the old Kashflow (as highlighted in red in the attachment). It helps browsing through invoices per customer and v...