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Status Released
Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Reports
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 6, 2018

Country field missing from Customer Report

The COUNTRY column is missing from the Sales -> Customer Report CSV export. 

The CSV export contains address lines 1 to 4, postcode and all other details *except* the country field. The documentation states that all customer contact values are exported including custom fields, however the country field is missing.

This USED to work (last year) and we currently are unable to 1. export our customer database from Kashflow, since the absolutely essential "Country" field for each customer is missing, and, 2. are unable calculate domestic & foreign sales turnover for the previous accounting period (required for year-end accounts and reporting to HMRC).

Both these issues are CRITICAL in nature.

Again this USED to work, so this would be more of a BUG report and not a feature request.

We've contacted support regarding this issue also.


Thanks in advance!

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  • Julie Shepherd
    Mar 8, 2019

    Hi, so sorry, this should have been marked as Started and not Released.  The developers are working on this now, and is due to be included in the next release.

  • Guest
    Mar 8, 2019

    Hi, this feature request has been marked as delivered, however, the report is exactly the same and there is still no COUNTRY column.

    Can you please advise?

  • Guest
    Jul 3, 2018

    This is long overdue now and past time it was implemented. I have just been told by Support that it is a good idea! 

  • Rob Wheatley
    Mar 13, 2018

    I second this. It's actually missing from various reports and it seems like a really easy thing to add.


    I've just gone through a lot of pain to create the report I needed manually, whereas if the Country field was added to the export, then it would make life a lot easier. 


    I suppose I could edit all my customer contact details to add the country to the "address line 4" but that just seems silly given the data is already there.


    I own and operate a SaaS service myself, to make this change to our service would take approx 10 mins. Here's hoping that it's just as easy for the KashFlow developers.