We would love to be able to have more detailed reports within Payroll. For example, hours and cost worked for the month by department, maybe a split of costs for example when we have bank holidays etc
For business continuity and audit trail purposes you should be able to add an additional user. It is not recommend to share your login and password with anyone, especially payroll. Please can we have the facility to add a user.
Kashflow Payroll - Intergration to Kashflow Accounts Improvement
In Kashflow Payroll you can set staff up to differing departments,which is ideal, however the automated data integration into KAshflow Accounts only allows for a single accounts code for the total of the payroll and ignores the Departmental analys...
Draft payslips that can be sent to clients for approval prior to RTI filing/final payalsip production.
Can you provide draft payslips or a simple report that could be sent to clients to approve before finalising their actual payslip? As an outsourced payroll provider I like my clients to approve their payroll before I submit to HMRC and this would ...
Secure Payroll Account data with multi factor authentication at login
Recommend security of account access should be increased using multi factor authentication (MFA), as per other Iris products. Also, MFA is a requirement for cloud services for companies applying for Cyber Essentials certification.
Ability to print off historical (say for a particular tax year) payslips for a particular employees without havibg to run each month seperately
I was recently asked by a pension provider to provide copy payslips for 3 employees in order to cross=check the contributions deducted from their payroll and found the process laborious.
Hi! We use Hailey HR as a hrm and they can be integrated in to many payroll systems so when we add absence in there, it automatically enters the payroll system, same goes for change of salary, ICE contacts etc. Would be great if that sort of integ...
For the NHS pension I need an overtime at basic rate that is pensionable and an overtime at enhanced rate that is not pensionable and its not feasible to create this at payslip level everytime and I would like to be abel to add payslip items.
Area in KashFlow to receive notifications from HMRC about employee tax changes
I have just moved over the KashFlow Payroll frim Iris GP payroll. I asked KashFlow where to look for my notifications from the HMRC and was told that this isn't available on KashFlow. I feel that this is an important feature of a Payroll software ...