in old version when I try to allocate bank payment to invoice it used to give option of all available invoices but now in new version i need to go and find invoice number or reference first and then only I can allocate. new version should lesse...
Who designs Kashflow? Does anyone one ask users, particularly accounts, what would be good or bad? We are constantly having "improvements" foisted on us which are as much use as a chocolate teapot but nothing of any substance changes. Kashflow has...
Make an option to mark a supplier or customer invoice in query/dispute
Everyone would benefit from this, as we are currently paying invoices that are actually in query, but there is no option to show this other than to delete the invoice.
system carries log of imports so in case of failure log can be used to ignore all already imported items
we have had 3 to 4 failures of this system, the system is brilliant but if you end up importing all the duplicates it is a NIGHTMARE to fix, suggestion in the "my idea" would fix that and very easy to do....
We use bankrecipt.com to import receipts into Kashflow. Please could it be possible to allow the VAT % (code) to be imported from bankrecipt to Kashflow too.
Currently we have to review each transaction again (after it has been imported from receiptbank to Kashflow), in order to correct the vat %age from 0 to the correct rate or N/A. This is very time consuming.
Ability to split payment between a sales invoice and a purchase invoice
It would be useful if, when importing the bank feeds, a receipt / payment could be split between both purchases and sales.
I have a client who sells grain and uses self billing - their customer sends them the bill which details the value of the gr...
In the bank reconciliation you can tick the box at the top of the column and tick all items in one go. It would be useful when matching bank items if one filtered to a customer/supplier you can do this too on you have selected 10, 20, 50or 100 ite...
It would be useful if like SAGE the system could remember text entered and offer as a suggestion when typing the same description repeatedly (but not consecutively)
Currently invoices can't be assigned to a Project when using RapidFire to batch post. Instead you have to go into each invoice once they've been submitted to Kashflow and assign it to the relevant project. This takes an enormous amount of time and...