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My Ideas: Uncategorised

Showing 66
348 VOTE

Automatic Bank Feed

If importing bank transactions can be automated or semi-automated (like PayPal at the moment) that would be fantastic!
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Uncategorised 1 Released
289 VOTE

Cash Flow Report

You have all the information about sales invoices, credit terms and past payment performance for each client... if that was blended with the same information held with each of your suppliers, it would be easy to create a report and line graph that...
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Uncategorised 2 Released
285 VOTE

All Day Login Session

It a pain having to login many times a day - can we please have a login session that is a full 8 hours long so we dont have to login multiple times in one business day please?
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Uncategorised 4 Released
184 VOTE

Expense Manager for Car Mileage & Other Expenses

How about a way of managing other expenses such as car milage (setting pence/per mile and logging journeys) and other expenses such as use of home for business. Then all the relevant costs for the tax return are in one place.
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Uncategorised 3 Released
145 VOTE

Individual CIS Tax Deduction Statements for Suppliers

All our sub contractors require an indiviudal statement showing amounts paid and tax deduction. this would be good if we had the option to do it per supplier.
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Uncategorised 15 Released
135 VOTE

Delivery Address on Purchase Orders

Have the ability to be able to specify a drop-ship address on purchase orders. Basically the same as you can add Deliver To: in the customer field in invoices. We often have goods shipped directly from suppliers to customers - a work around is to ...
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Uncategorised 2 Released
123 VOTE

Delivery/Other Address on Invoices

As the heading suggests we would like to see the delivery address details printed on the invoice, rather than like at the moment only the billing address. This makes our life, and the customers, a lot easier when consolidating invoices from multip...
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Uncategorised 1 Released
115 VOTE

Import Standardised CSV, OFX & MT940 Bank Statements

Hi after some emails between support and me hereby my idea. I use bank accounts in Holland, Seychelles and Cyprus (ssssssht)They have one thing in common and that is that bank statements are in csv or MT940 format I started a test account with u g...
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Uncategorised 2 Released
109 VOTE

Amazon Integration

Integrate with Amazon in the same way you have with PayPal - automatically pull in order details and create customer, invoice and payment records
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Uncategorised 2 Released

Assign Single Bank Transaction to Multiple Invoices

No description provided
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Uncategorised 0 Released