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Product IRIS KashFlow
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 28, 2020

Make Kashflow work correctly on iPad (as it doesn't and has never done so)

Kashflow needs improvement when used on iPad and iPhone (other tablets and phones too but I haven't been able to test those)

Using Kashflow on iOS. It really can be a headache to be honest. Screens come up then you can't exit back out of them, which means restarting the app to get back to the dashboard. A big issue, is when typing an email (such as the type you would use to email an invoice) it is really a struggle to get the cursor where you want it to be for typing, or editing (Because the email dialog box is trying to 'float' on the screen, iPad seems not to like that). I sent an email about this back in 2015 and had the reply

'I have determined there is an issue when sending invoices, in that it is not possible to edit the email body of the invoice. I have noticed this in both Chrome and Safari browsers.

I am raising this to our technical team, for them to include as part of their roadmap for developing mobile functionality. I am not sure exactly when development work will be completed, but can assure you that we are continuously working to improve the performance of KashFlow.'

It was suggested that a long press will position the cursor, but this does not solve the fact Kashflow is tedious to use on iPad. So this has been know about for 5 year now, and the situation is still the same on iPad.

Because of these things I really don't use it much at all on either of my iOS devices. I have added receipts only once using iPad, and it was quite a laborious task!

The point is I am wanting to use my iPad for work, but cannot use it for a supposedly cross-platform accounting software.

Please fix the interface so that it works properly on devices other than a computer with a big screen and a mouse.

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