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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Customers
Created by Guest
Created on May 18, 2020

In Sales invoices under customer, allow users to change the Name field

In our company we create our customer invoices on a Manufacturing IT package and then post the invoices on to Kashflow our accounts package,

I accidently post and invoice under the wrong customer, it did not come to light until after I had submit the VAT return and when the correct customer had paid some two months later.

Kashflow would not allow me to change the Name field on the invoice? As this would not have any affect on the VAT, this should be permitted, it's an easy thing to put right.

I could not create a credit note against the invoice as your support advised because, I was required to post the invoice in the correct customer account, they had already paid the invoice.

I had to change the invoice Number/reference on the incorrectly post invoice to one I had not used to enable me to create a credit note against the wrongly posted invoice, then I post the invoice to the correct customer?

If I would have been able to change the customer name field, all the above would have been avoided.

And as I was allowed to change the invoice/refence number, it would make sense to allow us to change the customer name field

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