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Switch off SA103 data collection and account mapping

We are a charity and file our accounts with the Charity Commission and if needed file corporation tax returns to HMRC. We are an organisation, not a self employed business so don't need remincers that "Kashflow found some discrepancies in your mapping, some of your accounts are incorrectly mapped to the SA103 categories"

We have no need of 103 mapping so want to turn off the feature. This is an instance of Kashflow interfering with our accounts by designating specially set up fields to fit in with something we don'y comply with.

  • Richard Cosier
  • Feb 22 2019
  • Acknowledged
  • Attach files
  • Dawn Harrison commented
    7 May, 2019 08:59am

    we are also in the same situation, we are a general practice partnership and do not need self assessment and need to turn off the SA103  link. 

  • Guest commented
    8 Apr, 2019 12:00pm

    My company, which also uses Kashflow, is in the same situation.  It is a company, not a sole trader registered for self-assessment, therefore needs a means to turn off the SA103 hook-up.