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company name of left side corner or at bottom

in new feature you have removed company name which used to appear on left side. when someone work on different clients in one day it can go in wrong company .on left side now its changed to company details instead of name of company 

  • Guest
  • Oct 5 2017
  • Released
  • Attach files
  • Natasha Chryssafi commented
    January 11, 2018 11:34

    Great news - thanks Sarah!

  • Guest commented
    January 11, 2018 11:18

    I've been using Kashlow this morning and the amendment has already made a massive different. Thank you for listening!

  • Guest commented
    January 10, 2018 11:23

    Having now worked with the change for a few months, it has become even more clear how important the ability to see which account you are working on actually is and for all of the reasons stated below. With the added one of the extra time it takes to a. identify which account you are in and then b. switch to the correct account.

  • Heather Mellersh commented
    December 04, 2017 11:40

    This is really vital for any user with more than one company.How soon can you reinstate this to Kashflow?

  • Heather Mellersh commented
    October 30, 2017 12:25

    Agree - this is vital!

  • Guest commented
    October 30, 2017 09:54

    Agreed.  It's so frustrating that it's been removed.  An incorrect entry on the wrong company could lead to many hours of wasted work.  Sort it out, KashFlow!

  • Guest commented
    October 09, 2017 13:34

    I am constantly working between our companies and not have this function is not helpful and creates work.  so please put it back on.

  • Steve Alexander commented
    October 09, 2017 13:33

    Completely agree.  Just been in to have a look and the opportunity for error this change creates is huge.  Please change it back ASAP. 

  • David Mace commented
    October 09, 2017 12:02

    If Kashflow are serious about offering their software to larger organisations then identification of which system you are working in is fundamental. It beggars belief that a real multi system accountancy user would have come up with this latest 'enhancement' that leaves us so open to errors and the consequential time wasting and frustration. Please, a little common sense - every day without this identification is a retrograde step making it impossible to recommend this product to anyone managing more than one set of accounts. Many requests are 'nice to haves' this is essential!