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List of purchases relating to aged creditor report when you click on amount for a month

When i get a statement in from a supplier i check it against the aged creditor report. It would be great if i could then click on the amount due on that report and it would bring up a list of invoices it relates to. Then to be able to apply a batch payment to those invoices.

Will also help if amounts don't agree, you can quickly check off which purchases have been entered and which may be missing or have errors on them.

  • Louise French
  • Jun 28 2017
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Louise French commented
    July 07, 2017 12:40

    Hi Natasha

    I have seen this, but how do i now assign a batch payment to the invoices
    from here? That was the idea i put forward
    This report shows all invoices, i would like to just get to Mays or Junes
    only etc, then apply the batch payment


  • Natasha Chryssafi commented
    July 07, 2017 12:00


    Great news - this already exists.  Run the Creditor report, click the Customise option at the top, select "details creditor report" and update the settings.  This will now show you a list of transactions.  If you need further help, please don't hesitate to contact us on

