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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Suppliers
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 9, 2023

Add a function to check supplier payment, date, total amount and individual invoice and amount paid under that one transaction.

I used to use sage and they had a function where I could check past payments to a supplier. For suppliers where you are paying numerous invoices 20/30/40 I could click on the total payment and it would list the individual invoices and amounts that made up that one transaction. This is very good for checking for discrepancies and also if a company wanted to go paperless. Currently I have to either go to the supplier, look for an invoice I think I may have paid in say the month of July, I cant see this currently as they don't list payment date only date of invoice, so for me April invoices were paid in July, I then physically add them up on the calculator. Or get the paperwork files out, and check the statement for invoices paid in the month of July. In this day of sustainability, this function would be highly beneficial.

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