Currently anything imported via csv has no project number and that has to be added after each import by individually editing each transaction - very time consuming.
Likewise bank and paypal imports should allow a project number to be assigned on the import approval screen.
Yes, for me it is the need to create complex journals via CSV import where each line is assigned to a different project. Would save a lot of time and prevent error if project allocation could be mapped as part of the CSV import.
Hi The imports I need to do will be in excess of 150 lines and it would not be possible to edit all of these lines this is such a simple thing not sure why this wasn't tested before release. It took me 1 minute to find out this didn't work.
I completely agree. Importing csv files is designed and used to save large amounts of time that would otherwise be spent entering data.
I have a complex set of excel sheets that handle the separation of wages into the correct nominal accounts, with a breakdown for each project, yet I'm let down at the final stage and am forced to resort to projecting each line manually.