Hi Aaron,
This has been raised before by a number of users who wished to have various methods of online payment set up and not be restrained to just one.
Its certainly something we need to look at and we will be reviewing this shortly.
On the subject of overriding features, this is something that is very much present in our accountants platform, KashFlow Connect that allows users to refine functionality for clients.
From and end user point of view, we have a lot of options in the system for turning off certain settings etc and aren't looking to alter this at the moment until additional functionality has been delivered.
So you are going to make the invoice payment feature configurable on a per customer and per invoice basis?
I don't understand why you add features, but restrict them the be configured in only one way. You should make all options configurable on a global, per customer/supplier and per invoice/purchase basis. It makes no sense to have it any other way
Similarly. I have some customers with GoCardless mandates set up for regular repeat invoices.
I have a Paypal button for invoices sent out by email.
Could you combine the two so that clients with GoCardless accounts can pay for ad-hoc services with GoCardless but still leave the Paypal button for those who want to pay by credit card?