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Custom Reports

Ability for user to create custom reports using data available within his/her account (based on API).

Sometimes you need to create custom report for your accountant. How much easier would be to define few custom templates and reuse them?
As far as I know API is there and it may need potentially a bit of extending to accommodate sourcing data via few 'variadic' methods.
  • Guest
  • Jan 10 2017
  • Sep 5, 2018

    Admin response

    Hi Pat, I would suggest taking a look at one of our reporting integrations such as Gearshift or Spotlight who allow you to customise your reports and are trusted by KashFlow to transfer information reliably. Our changes to reporting will be included in the upcoming release however as mentioned in a previous status we do not have any plans to build custom reporting into KashFlow.
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    26 Mar 03:30pm

    This would be so very useful!

  • Neil McD commented
    27 May, 2020 05:39pm

    This would be a great utility for my business. There are quite a lots of reports available in Kashflow and a few almost match what I need but not quite. I've asked support if there is a way to just add an extra field to a couple of the reports but was told this isn't possible. Custom reports would be a fantastic addition to Kashflow.

    Come on Kashflow, you can do it ! It's just a big database after all, how difficult could it be to run a report?

  • Guest commented
    10 Jan, 2017 09:12am

    Hopefully this is allowed in here, but if you are after the ability to create some custom reports we have completed a similar service for quite a few clients. Saving them hours a month in getting data out of Kashflow and into professional looking PDF files.

    We are a listed KashFlow developer Dijitul more information can be seen here and here

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