Allow for a credit limit to be set when creating a customer (and suppliers I suppose) along with the current option for specifying credit terms.
If an invoice or receipt is then created that will cause the credit limit to be exceeded, the user is notified so a decision can be made before allowing any more orders to be processed for that customer or supplier.
Why hasn't this been done yet? This is bog standard functionality of an accounting/invoicing system!
We need this
Having worked on many systems over the years, having a credit limit for customers is a standard process on all the packages i have used. This is a much needed feature for controlling debts and customers spending.
I asked about this over 12 months ago -
This is a great idea. We currently have set up a custom customer field so we can display the credit limit to all of our staff. The issue with this is that outstanding balance needs to be manually checked each time and a decision made on whether or not to raise the invoice. We see this regularly results in customers being allowed to exceed their credit limit due to the member of staff raising the invoice not checking properly, This would be completely avoided if a notification was displayed or the member of staff was unable to raise the invoice without manager authorisation.
Definitely needed asap..Where there are lots of customers in a growing business,customer balances can easily get out of hand, a limit would help to highlight or flag up any potential problems.
Great Idea
This would be a very good idea :)
This is a much needed function for our company and I think it would be enormously useful to most. One of the most important things for any business is monitoring credit.
I agree, this is a much needed feature to manager customers.
Much needed , must have for strong credit control.