The new MTD home page is a pain in the arse to be frank.
Why not list all returns on one page. It is driving me mad at the moment because am doing December 2019 returns and the view defaults to a blank 2020 page, so I have to change to 2019 then...
i have a client that deals with clients in USA & has open an American bank account = $. so all transactions are in $ . I can input invoices in dollars but are unable to pay them off in dollars as the total as converted to £. this makes it hard...
When importing bank feeds and I need to create a transaction, VAT is defaulted to 20%, when this is wages, drawings, tax payments etc why cannot the VAT code be set as a default for posting to those accounts? It is a pain having to do this manuall...
It would be really useful if a free text box could be added to statements so you add comments to explain anomalies on statements. I just had one where they double paid an earlier invoice, I wanted to explain what had happened - I had to work out w...
Allow clients to override transactions and bank locks only as far as a specified date
Currently there is only a blanket option to allow clients to override the bank or transaction locks - as in they can go back as far as they want. Thus there is no protection given to the books for a finalised year of accounts. Whilst withholding t...
There are lots of fragmented ideas round this, hopefully this pulls all outstanding points to a single idea. The CIS on Kashflow is woeful and despite assurances for years that it is in development all we get are interface "upgrades" we neither wa...
Data Import - Import CSV Files using Kashflow Connect credentials
We are unable to import data (CSV's) via the Settings > Import Data function using our Kashflow Connect credentials, we are required to obtain and enter our client's Kashflow username and password. It would be good for accountants to have the s...
There should be an option where you can just run either all profit and loss nominal codes or balance sheet codes. But you have to tick through all nominal codes manually to do this.