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IRIS KashFlow

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restrict access to journals for users

Journals are powerful and in the wrong hands can totally mess up your acccounting software. The new user permissions are great but I'd like to see the ability to prevent access to journals yet have a user who can access both sales and purchasing.
Christian Arnott over 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Dashboard 1 Released

Customers with missing emails

In the past when sending out monthly customer statements Kashflow would identify in red text, those customers that did not have email addresses - this was most helpful. The system now doesn't flag missing email addresses instead a text in green fl...
Guest over 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Customers 0 Released

Aged debtors report does not agree to trial balance

The aged debtors list is not picking up payments on account until the invoice date matches the aged debtors report date e.g payment made 28.3, inv date 1.4. the aged debtors report dated 31.3 will not show the payment, but the trial balance does.
Guest over 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 0 Released

Debtors Report

Is there a way that the debtors report can be customised to include any notes added to the invoice numbers? I put all my notes there for any chasing I do, but when I send the report to management, I have to add those manually.
Guest over 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Customers 1 Released

Add 'Match to Existing Transaction' to the Paypal Convert Transaction Functionality

The current paypal functionality to convert transaction seems limited At the moment for Purchases and Transactions you only have the option of Creating or Deleting. It would be convenient if you could also match these transactions with existing tr...
Ed about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Uncategorised 0 Released

A payment acknowledgement email, after invoice has been paid

In a similar way to emailing invoices to customers via a button, a template for an acknowledgement of payment. This helps reassure customers who are BACSing us for the first time. This shouldn't be too hard to implement as it is me who is entering...
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Payments 2 Released

Report for Un-reconciled transactions

Report for Un-reconciled transactions so you can find out what has happened to them. Also to verify figures.
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 1 Released

Sales reports

I a man looking for a daily sales report so that I can keep a track of sales. At the moment the only sales report that is available is one after the order has been invoiced. Can we have a sales report for non invoiced daily sales orders please
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Reports 5 Released

Updated guide

How about updating the guide that gets sent out to new customers who are signed up for the first time? It is badly out of date, to the extreme that it gives guidance to exporting to Digita... who is a competitor to the IRIS accounting/tax suite. H...
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Uncategorised 0 Released

Creating an invoice

I am trying to get a consistency when creating an invoice and entering a customer name into the customer field. I have a customer called Mr Albert Smith. If I type in Albert nothing appears, If I type in Smith, nothing appears, I have to type in M...
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Released