Currently we cannot update or delete a product import CSV file. I have a client who uses the software who wants to be able to update the CSV product import on a monthly basis to update the system with new prices or new products.If you try and impo...
It would be wonderful to have an app to link to Kashlfow Payroll where the employee logs their time with (comments on job done), then employer can access this and apply it to Payroll. This will eliminate any paper timesheets going missing or being...
With auto credit control emails, rather than opting out certain individual invoices month after month, it would be beneficial if we could opt out certain clients who pay us by direct debit. Because their payments are collected at various points th...
VAT Return - Marking a return as paid Function Improvement
When marking a VAT return as "Paid", Kashflow should prompt to create a bank transaction like the process in "Sales Invoices" and "Purchase Invoices". The comment field should make reference to the VAT period. This removes the requirement to creat...
Shared tips are a flow through ie they don't impact the entity as they come straight from customers. But the Crosstab report puts them in the same column as salaries & wages, making it harder to reconcile the true payroll cost.
Where a client is registered for flat rate VAT, rather than provide a standard TB, provide one that actually gives the figures that go into the accounts without having to jump through hoops to derive gross turnover etc.
My issue relates to bank feed transactions that need to be allocated to a customer account WITHOUT creating a sales invoice. A lot of my clients pay me by standing order so they get posted to their account as received as “advance payments on accou...