The ability to change the name of the purchase order form to something specific for your business
It would be useful if I could change the name 'Purchase order' to something that means more to my business and suppliers say, 'requisition' or 'disbursement' - particularly useful in a business with sub departments
about 8 years ago
in IRIS KashFlow
After viewing an invoice from a particular customer I often want to view another from the same customer. Currently when you go back from a customer invoice you are returned to the general invoice page and have to manually enter the customer name a...
I would like to see the KashFlow team make a series of short PDF or HTML “booklets” about how to do particular tasks in the program, e.g "How to obtain a VAT report" or "How to set up and configure your own sales codes" so the figures the program ...
I used the only "Project" field for departments for various sales of products we have. Two years on we are now opening a branch further south and I want to put all the sales and costs to two seperate accounts without having to go and give a new se...
Purchase History button on the Purchase Ledger Side
On the customer side there is a button on each Customer's page below the invoices summary to download the complete purchase history for this client in a spreadsheet. This feature does not exist on the Purchase side, but would be extremely helpful ...
I am not sure why but since adding some matching rules the system refuses to match invoices correctly. I am not sure if this is a bug in my set up or a general problem. Bank payments that have the name of client, the invoice number and correct amo...
would it be possible to have the option of having the bank transaction codes listed in Alphabetical order please? This would make it easier
Would it be possible to have the optio of having the bank transaction codes listed in alphabetical order please? this would make it easier when entering bank transactions, to be able to find the correct code name instead of having to scroll right ...