CAn you please put the page selector at the top of the page as well as the bottom, it is a fag having to scroll down before you can work through pages, or at least make it stay at the bottom, if I want to go from page one I have to scroll down, cl...
Stop Kashflow reverting to another company when more than one browser is open
When logged into one company, we then open another company to do some work (ie two companies open at one time), the first company reverts to the second one which gets confusing, not to mention problematic. Can Kashflow maintain the integrity of th...
Currently sales invoices show that they are paid but more government and benefit agencies are asking for proof of payment date, in order to re-imburse for childcare etc. Adding a paid date to the sales invoice would be very helpful.
I have a number of clients who start a new sales invoice sequence each year (ie go back to number 1 again) as I'm sure many other accountants do. It is a real pain to have to update manually for each invoice
Hi thereWe have used kashflow for a while.Normally we will send the report once we finished the VAT return to the client through Email with some necessary comment.I tried to use Kashflow build-in email function today, however, there is no "saved t...
Please make the whole of KashFlow read only for the client so that they cannot mess up their accounts
Please make the whole of KashFlow read only for the client so that they cannot mess up their accounts
There should be a tickbox in KashFlow Connect that makes the client's KashFlow totally read only for the client.
For Accountants to correct Dr and Cr Control Accounts in Nominal to agree with customer/supplier list
Have a client who has had Kashflow for a number of years, didn't do any year end routines, somehow got the customer list of balances out of sink with the nominal control account, we have now done a year end routine and it appears the nominal contr...
Export of Client Details from Kashflow Connect Client Screen
We would like the ability to Export our Kashflow Connect clients in CSV format. We have over 1500 client accounts across multiple sites.
Onn the clients screen we would like an export option
We would...