Add Setting to hide everything related to SA103 Self assessment
As a limited company, SA103 is not relevane and It is very frustrating to have the Disallowed column popping up all over the place when it is completely irrelevant.
Drop down sorted by nominal a/c number not nominal name
When producing journals it would be beneficial (as an accountant) for the drop down to be sorted by nominal code, not alphabetically by the nominal name.
I appreciate some users would prefer the drop down to be sorted by name so an option within t...
This is a housekeeping suggestion. We've been using KFlow for over ten years and have a build up of obsolete journal templates which we would like to extinguish to reduce clutter. Just to be clear, we mean only old templates, obviously not the jou...
It would be beneficial to be able to use other storage systems other than Dropbox. We use OwnCloud on a server on our LAN which is VLAN isolated from the Internet, and it would be useful to store files and receipts there.
This idea has been around...
I always want to view unpaid invoices and all of them. But every time I go to the page I have to change the settings as it shows 10 and all invoices as default. If I'm going in and out of the page all day it is a pain. I know that on some pages it...
Allow variable tax allowances in Mileage Module for more than one passenger
The new mileage module sets the mileage allowance at 45p per mile, as per HMRC rules. However, this only applies if there is only one person in the car. As a partnership we often (but not always) travel together, for which HMRC flows an extra 5p p...
We have a requirement to manage purchase orders within our business. We receive purchase orders from our customer that I would like to be able to record within Kashflow and then draw down against allocating invoices against the customer purchase o...
One of the really useful aspects of Kashflow is the ability to import full date from Sage but at present the last version of Sage supported is 2016 I need to import from v24 (2018) but have been advised by Support that this is being worked on and ...