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Cloud Storage Other Than Dropbox

It would be beneficial to be able to use other storage systems other than Dropbox. We use OwnCloud on a server on our LAN which is VLAN isolated from the Internet, and it would be useful to store files and receipts there.

This idea has been around now for nearly 2 years but we have no feedback other than "Acknowledged", could you let us have an update?

  • Guest
  • Feb 27 2019
  • Acknowledged
  • Attach files
  • Michael Ch'ng commented
    31 Jul, 2019 01:15pm

    Yea, it seems fairly 'old school' being tied to just a single cloud storage location. Integration with the alternatievs such as OneDrive, GoogleDrive, etc wouldn't be hard to achieve so it's surprising it's not been done before now.