Custom Fields - Drop Down Boxes and Defining Their Location
Understandably you can't build a system that suits all customers, hence the ability for us to create our own "custom fields". Currently we can create tick boxes or text boxes, could we also have a third option for drop down boxes so that we can de...
The ability to provide a space between the currency symbol and the amount
I invoice overseas companies, and for clarity change my currency symbols to the standard three-character code (such as "GBP"). Currently. Kashflow places the code *immediately* before or after the amount, with no intermediate space. I suggest that...
Allow users to set preferences for little drop-down calendars (ie. to select date of an invoice or a sale) so week begins on Monday.
When you create a new invoice or transaction, you select the date and a little calendar appears. This calendar displays with the week beginning on Sunday – however, all my other calendar apps begin the week on Monday, and so this is incongruous. A...
The ability to upload your own Chart of accounts via CSV as we have a number of default COS which we use and it will take one of the staff a while to create them all manually.
When an error dialogue box appears and you require that the user lets support know what that error ID is, it would be better if the user was able to copy and paste it. The last time I had to do this I needed to write down the ID 20160105121643983 ...
It is so frustrating that on my dashboard I can only have a graph showing the last 12 months sales. Surely it makes more sense to have just
It is so frustrating that on my dashboard I can only have a graph showing the last 12 months sales. Surely it makes more sense to have just 2016 data showing (with possibly a comparative 2015 in the background?) I know I can view this data if I ch...
Please can we have the facility to produce P and L and Balance sheet without the pence? All reports to HMRC ect require them to be rounded up and it looks messy!
Ability for the search on KashFlow to pull information from the notes field on clients/customers etc
The 'Search' function searches all your KashFlow details including customers, invoices, suppliers, receipts and any external references such as purchase order numbers or customer reference numbers. You can also type in an amount here; invoices or ...
I regularly need to process expense claims, e.g. for company purchases made by employees that require reimbursement, travel expense claims, etc. This involves posting journals involving expense accounts and separate employee debtor/creditor contro...