There is no way to identify when or how much a Purchase Code is used across multiple projects or how many and to what extent different Suppliers are involved. Adding new report where the details of ' Expenditure by Purchase Code' include a Project...
Better initial date selection when drilling down in Balance sheet
When drill down to accounts from balance sheet the start date selection is currently not customizable. In my case this results in the date starting in 1970. I am advised that doing year end journals changes this but I do them each year so it seems...
Be able to download trial balances by month (i.e. multiple) for management accounts
I would like to be able to download the trial balance but for the number of months i choose. In other words I would like each month next to each other for the period I choose either by 6 months, 12 months or all time to be able to look at the move...
Bring back CSV download of VAT return calculations
I need to check these calculations, as we have different rates, and I have found errors in the past . I now have to look back through a whole quarter's invoices and receipts to check them!
Following an issue with the date range on our KashFlow VAT report screen today. I have the following observation about the "Actions" menu on the right hand side of the VAT report panel. Here is my remark, made to your support desk, after we had re...
A report with department (aka Project) data on the report
Totally confused why we can enter department/project data at a transaction level yet cannot run a report on that information. The simple addition of the column for department/project on the Audit Trail would be the answer.
I need a single report covering the P&L for a full year broken down by month without having to copy and paste each individual month to a spreadsheet
The full year P&L report should list each months activity and be customisable by date range to provide month by month comparisons without the need to download 12 monthly P&L reports. This will avoid the inevitable misalignment of nominal c...
It would be useful to view a P&L by month on screen, rather than have to download to excel each time. It would also be really good to click on the values in the P&L report and go directly to the nominal account.
I've had issues with non-delivery of emails due to a defective recipient address, however the Kashflow logs do not catch this & I believed they had been received OK. It would be useful if errors were reflected back to the originating account.
It would be very useful to be able to see the VAT outstanding on Aged Debtors and Creditors reports so that we can easily identify VAT outstanding at the year-end for cash accounting clients.