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Be able to download trial balances by month (i.e. multiple) for management accounts

I would like to be able to download the trial balance but for the number of months i choose. In other words I would like each month next to each other for the period I choose either by 6 months, 12 months or all time to be able to look at the movements at my leisure. I need to be able to create monthly management accounts and I sometimes just need a data download instead of the formal reports created by yourselves. I had to download 72 individual reports the other day in order to analyse movements on my trial balances since 2017.

  • Guest
  • Mar 21 2023
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  • Guest commented
    21 Mar, 2023 04:34pm

    For example (simple example but must be by account code)

    Jan 21 Feb 21 Mar 21 Apr 21 ......

    Income x,xxx x,xxx x,xxx x,xxx ......

    Expenditure (xxx) (xxx) (xxx) (xxx) ......

    Creditors etc.

    Debtors etc.