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Default "Action" in VAT report panel

Following an issue with the date range on our KashFlow VAT report screen today. I have the following observation about the "Actions" menu on the right hand side of the VAT report panel. Here is my remark, made to your support desk, after we had resolved the initial problem:

"When the report panel displays it offers to "Submit to HMRC" as the default action. My wife reacted to this with alarm, when I made to open the drop down menu with the adjacent arrow button. She assumed it meant the form would be automatically sent right then! I agree with her that this looks alarming and should not be the default display. Can I suggest that "View Summary" would be a much safer and more logical Default action? With the "Submit to HMRC" as the final action at the bottom of the drop down menu. Most people want to examine their VAT declaration quite carefully before just SENDING it to the AUTHORITIES! Once submitted any issues are much more complex to resolve than before submission."

  • Guest
  • Feb 4 2019
  • Apr 9, 2020

    Admin response

    Hello, thanks for your feedback, you make a valid point. Would the term "Prepare Return" be more appropriate for you rather than "Submit to HMRC"?

    KashFlow Product Team

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  • Guest commented
    14 Apr, 2020 07:56am

    Yes. A simple idea to assist inexperienced/confident users of the software.

    Software engineers should remember that they may know the software intimately, but a new or a user without an accounting background does not