Action; Integrate "Payit" (the open banking / natwest facility) into Kashflow. This will give Kashflow an active advantage over most of your competitors and improve the functionality and service you provide to your users.
There is no option to add a comment when matching transactions from bank feeds into Kashflow. So if the bank payment reference is just a cheque number, then this is all that will show once the transaction is matched into Kashflow bank.
Bank Import - Match against Partially Paid Invoices
I had a problem when I made one payment from my bank account against two invoices - one invoice was already partially paid. Whe match routine ONLY shows the total amount of each invoice you can assign the payments to - so you need to know how much...
When you import data from a bank feed, you can assign each transaction to existing invoices and purchases. However, for some reason, when you use the Kashflow PayPal import, there is not this option and you can only create new invoices / purchases...
We have wasted countless days/weeks/months trying to fix problems that bank feed has caused by its automatic matching algorithm after discovering it was mis-allocating or hadn't allocated even when we told it to or showed something as matched when...
Logging mileage and paying the expense to employee/director
I notice you have now added the mileage feature for Ltd companies - Great. I understand how to log the mileage but how does Kashflow account for paying the expense to the employee? Currently we have an expense account for out of pocket expenses wh...
Gary McDonald
over 6 years ago
in IRIS KashFlow / Bank
Currently there is no way of inserting a bank rec in a gap between old bank recs as the start dates of reconciliations are set to the end of the previous one only. This is an issue because it creates an ongoing problem in the figures such as subse...