Add quote download to invoice download in customer module
When you click on the download button in the customer module you are given the option to either download all or to download customers selected by invoices between two dates. It would be really handy if there was also a third option to download cus...
When entering details of customers / suppliers with overseas addresses, they all use the same form and checking as for a UK address. This causes issues where a European address (say) is: 10 rue to Beauville57360 Malancourt la MontagneLorraineFRANC...
At present when we view statements, the opening balance line shows all historical invoice/payment amounts, which is rather daunting for clients to see when it a large number! It would be better to have a "Balance Brought Forward" amount inst...
Just a quick overview so it makes sense: This month a customer has noticed a payment against an invoice, but they don't remember paying it. I have looked at the account and a credit note has been allocated to credit a line of the invoice that is n...
a checkbox to match billing and delivery addresses when entering an invoice or customer, otheriwse we have to enter twice unless in the UK.
For our European sales we have to enter the billing address and delivery address twice, even when the same, otherwise the delivery address defaults to UK which is messing up our reports.