Our customer's payments are due on the invoice date. However we need to be able to send out the invoice beforehand.
Kashflow uses the created date as the invoice date. But we would like the created date to be just the date the email/invoice is ge...
I find that job titles are important to lots of people - yet I have to use a number of workarounds to get them to appear correcty on an invoice - Why cant we have a job title box that displays the title under customer name on an invoice instead of...
Was wondering if improvement can be made on both SALES and PURCHASE ORDERS (or QUOTATION) to eventually have possibility to:
. Balk order & Call offs
this tool to allow me manage bulk orders (my buyers contract for fruit puree and nectars ...
You already have "Invoice Filename Format" How about "Quote Filename Format"?
In the Advanced Settings Area, you already have the option to set an Invoicing Filename Format which is great as it saves you from having to type the same thing over and over again. How about a Quote Filename Format too?
Having moved from Sage where I had a chance to enter batch purchase and sales invoice, I think it's a feature that Kashflow should add as it is time saving.
Ability to change invoice notes (or template) depending on payment method
I'd suggest that the system should allow for additional information to be added to the invoice based upon the payment method.At the moment if the payment will be taken via DirectDebit through GoCardless, all that's added is a "PAID" stamp. I think...
Flag option for Invoices, Purchase Orders and customers
Flag option for Invoices, Purchase Orders and customers. If there is an issue with anyone of the above KF users will quickly be able to see and read associated notes.