To be able to add a job 'date' column before the decription column on an invoice.I am a photographer invoicing monthly for jobs done on various dates throughout that month, so it would be useful to be able to add the date of each job undertaken be...
Sales OrdersIt would be very useful to have a sales stage between "quotes" and "invoices". This is for sales orders that are in the system because we have received an order number from the customer have not shipped or invoiced yet. Called "Sales o...
Deselect Online payment element for printed invoices
I use Irispay as a default for emailing invoice templates, however occasionally have to print invoices, so the Online payment 'Button' is redundant and confusing. It would be useful to be able to deselect this entirely on those instances
Hi there, the new design, even if prettier, does not work like the old system. it is full of bugs that need corrected. you need 30% more time, you need to click far more time to chose options. You need to keep on scrolling down to add items as the...
Ability to set all date dropdowns to "all" instead of the default "last 90 days"
I'm always having to change this dropdown, to see "all" invoices, jobs or transactions. It would be so helpful to select "all" set it for all dropdowns, and the choice to be remembered. Many of my customers don't come back within 90 days, so I cli...
An option to put a default setting for sales invoices list display, ie display by issue date
Sales invoices issued automatically shows "last 90 days". However, we would prefer this to show all sales invoices, without having to change the setting from "90 days" to "issue date" each time that your visit this page.
Show VAT inclusive amount on sold item on printed invoices (per line).
Before printing you can see item price, vat amount and total inclusive of VAT but when you print it for a customer they only see the ex VAT amount for each item. This is not good when using the invoices as sales invoices in a retail envronment.
When I go to look at the recurring monthly invoices, the system has the options of looking at 10 items, 20 items, 50 items or 100 items... is there a way for me to have it so I can choose to see 500 items?