You have added in the ability to "Export" a chart of accounts from KashFlow Connect. What would be ideal if you also add the ability to "Import" chart of accounts. I have a 500 line COA I want to set as a default for all my customers and I have to...
It would be useful is you set up a separate section for dividends, may be "distribution of profit* so they come after net profit and not part of it, but so they get cleared to accumulated reserves when year end is run
Currently invoices can't be assigned to a Project when using RapidFire to batch post. Instead you have to go into each invoice once they've been submitted to Kashflow and assign it to the relevant project. This takes an enormous amount of time and...
Where the bank reconciliation currently shows the details at the top of the page and this is static. I think that this should be something that is on the side of the page and you can view as you are reconciling the bank. This is because, when I ha...
Opening Balance & Year End Journals process - simplfication
I find the process of posting Debtors/Creditors year end adjustments and opening balances quite strange. Currently I have to:
1. Post Journals in the usual way for everything except Drs/Crs
2. Post Drs/Crs balances to Suspense
3. Create a supplier...
On dashboard, the 'amount owed to you' when clicked only shows 'unpaid' invoices as default view. Can you make it easier to match the balance owed with one click rather than changing different views (part-paid, overdue, overdue part-pay, over-paid) just to reconcile back the balance on dashboard?