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Created by Guest
Created on Apr 28, 2020

Bank Reconciliation - Move Top Bar

Where the bank reconciliation currently shows the details at the top of the page and this is static. I think that this should be something that is on the side of the page and you can view as you are reconciling the bank. This is because, when I have to do a month or a couple of months on a larger bank it's quite frustrating to have to scroll back to the top every time to check the page balance matches and it would be really helpful to just see it all on the same screen without having to scroll up and down and lose where I'm up to.

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  • Guest
    Mar 15, 2021

    What would be better is just having the top bar displayed and the scrolling window within that so that so the details are always on display, or at the very least have the running balance displayed at the foot of the page, anything but the current system which is not fit for purpose.