It would be great if I could tick a box or add an invoice to a watch list which would email me a notification when it has been paid by card. At the moment I have to keep checking the invoices manually to see if they have been paid.
From time to time it is necessary to add extra information to an individual email (Invoice or Statement) however one cannot recall the information, once it has been sent. A tick box to automatically add the extra detail to Notes would save me havi...
Display separate billing and delivery addresses on invoices
Professional looking invoices and packing slips should be a high priority for any business, the current method involves some coding which isn't ideal for many users and ultimately still has issues which Kashflow support have been unable to resolve...
Please consider stopping the automated emails every month notifying me of the repeat invoices. They are the same every month (because they are repeat invoices!) so I do not need to be notified. This will avoid customers receiving unnecessary email...
PayPal Importer - Individual Line Items & Quantities
As you're aware, when transactions are imported from PayPal to KashFlow, they all show up as one item on transaction or Multiple items as one item. Would there be any fixes for this so the quantity ordered tallies with the quantity imported into Kf?