Small businesses in Ireland have 2 monthly or 4 monthly Vat periods rather than yearly or quarterly. It would be great if these could be supported directly in the software (versus using customised reports).
Post code search with drop down of all addresses linked to that postcode instead of entering each line manually when adding a new customer. Would make it a lot easier
Enable a button on the invoices so that you can easily create a new sales invoice. A "Save and New" would be handy so that once the sales invoice was created you can hit the button and create a new invoice instead of having to go through the custo...
I would suggest having an option to send Reminder Letters to several invoices from a single client at a time, instead of having to send individually and manually invoice by invoice for each client!
Please increase the features in the quote listing page (as illustrated)) - th equotes area is a huge step twoards integrating sales with finance and it's one of the most valuable time-savers for sales. It would be so helpful to have: Drop-down fil...
I am a contractor that employs sub-contractors. It would be handy to be able to pay contractors via the kashflow payroll system with it automatically sending the HMRC the CIS return and being able to create a pay slip with only tax deducted.
A drop down or tick box to mark purchases as 'Pending Approval' or 'Payment Approved'
We'd like to use less paper. The team works on many off site projects between them and I need project managers to approve purchases for payment under their project headings or I need them to allocate them to projects when this has been forgotten! ...