Please increase the features in the quote listing page (as illustrated)) - th equotes area is a huge step twoards integrating sales with finance and it's one of the most valuable time-savers for sales. It would be so helpful to have:
Drop-down filter panel to filter a range (quote numbers, dates, amounts)
Drop-down filter panel to filter by keyword or letter (customer, title)
Drop-down filter panel to filter a type (category)
New settings cog allows the user to set the columns (esp date of quote OR est start, value or likely value = value x likelihood)
Change link colour from blue to match Kashflow pink button (consistent clickable colour better for usability)
New field - allows quick reference to distinguish multiple quotes to same customer
Option to show / hide VAT or choose quote date or start date
Move value total to under value column for better usability
Move item choice to pagination buttons to increase usability