We can now select the VAT rate for a supplier but 0% isn't correct for none VAT Reg businesses. This should an option you can select on this tab under the 'This Supplier is' Section
Use icons for quick access to actions on the supplier list
Rather than having a drop down list for two actions (i.e. create purchase invoice, create purchase order), there could be icons instead. This would allow single-click access to more actions in the same on-screen space. see attached mock-up with ic...
During busier periods I sometimes have almost 200 purchase invoices to allocate to a batch payment. I'm currently having to email 2 separate remittance advices.
It would be very useful if all fields in the supplier details came off on the report - i.e. it currently shows the bank account number and sort code number, but not the bank account payee name, which is fairly vital
Please can you add a border option that includes Suppliers who are non-VAT registered. I always 0% these suppliers but I feel Kashflow would see This supplier as VAT registered / based in home country as it is automatically ticked. Which gives the...
Add a field to options to show Customer / Supplier are not VAT registered -
Currently Kashflow assumes all suppliers / customers are VAT registered. This is now causing problems with HMRC reporting following UK Brexit & NI protocols.
Add a function to check supplier payment, date, total amount and individual invoice and amount paid under that one transaction.
I used to use sage and they had a function where I could check past payments to a supplier. For suppliers where you are paying numerous invoices 20/30/40 I could click on the total payment and it would list the individual invoices and amounts that...