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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Payments
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 24, 2023

Allowing monthly payments ie Klana

With the current climate more and more customers are requesting monthly payments.

We are a plumbing and heating company and can fully appreciate some of our invoices might be too much for a customer to pay in a month, Offering Klana payments would mean they can split the invoice down in to 3 monthly payments interest free, it would help a huge amount with our debtors and when trying to get a payment over the phone.

Currently Stripe already offer this service however there is no way to integrate it with Kashflow, I have already been on the phone to the technical team at Stripe.

I am aware how beneficial this would be to my company to the point i would consider changing accounting software if Kashflow are never able to offer this (even though i am a big kashflow fan)

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