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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Bank
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 1, 2022

Banking Match Rules - Exact Wording

We have a client who's surname is Wheeler and has an EE contract. When we setup banking rules for director payments to him and another for payments to EE, Kashflow is pickup the EE within his surname and allocating this to telephone. Would it be possible to allow for an "Exact Wording" checkbox to be enabled to sort this issue?

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  • Guest
    Jun 3, 2022

    This is much needed.

    The similar issue is if there are two amounts the same on the same date the system will invariably match to the wrong supplier/customer. The system should be able to match full/partial names as a better guess, and if an invoice number is quoted (as is often the case) that should also be picked up by the system

    When will Kashflow stop giving bells and whistles (to great fanfares and flourishes) we don't want or need and concentrate on the core issues that desperately need enhancement to make data entry quicker and more efficient.