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Status Part Released
Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Payments
Created by Mark Allen
Created on Feb 16, 2021
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit KF-I-3213 Repeat Billing Collect via Direct Debit After X Days.

Allow scheduling of GoCardless payments Merged

At present, when collecting a payment via Direct Debit and GoCardless, the payment is initiated immediately (in line with the GoCardless delay). It would be better to have an option to schedule the payment to the later of the invoice due date, or the minimum GoCardless delay period.

This way payments can be collected on the due date, or asap and you don't have to jump into the system on the right day to set payments - or more likely just use GoCardless directly and ignore the Kashflow integration :(

  • Paul Jansen
    Apr 30, 2021

    I have been asking for the payment to be initiated at the due date for years. Sadly this simple but valuable change has not been made