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Repeat Billing Collect via Direct Debit After X Days

At the moment if we use GoCardless for repeat billing, the invoice is both sent and billed for on the same day.

We would like to be able to send the invoice and then collect 10 days later to allow for any queries from the client.
  • Guest
  • Jan 10 2017
  • Part Released
  • Dec 18, 2023

    Admin response

    This can’t be done with Go Cardless but IS POSSIBLE with IRIS Pay (which has been recently enhanced with a Direct Debit capability).

    You''ll have to sign up to IRIS Pay DD first and once you are up and running select the appropriate payment terms against the customer.

    Instructions how to setup payment terms for IRIS Pay Direct Debit…

    >> Select a Customer

    >> Go to the ‘Options’ tab

    >> Select the appropriate ‘Payment terms’ and go ahead and save the changes by clicking on ‘Update details’

    For example if you selected say 5 days after the invoice date the collection will happen 5 days after the invoice is sent

    Further information how to setup IRIS Pay Direct Debit here:

    Further information on creating repeat billing here:

  • Attach files
  • Paul Jansen commented
    9 Sep 11:58am

    It is totally disingenuous to suggest that rather than fix an issue with a popular integraton, we should switch to IRIS pay which is more expensive and would require costly development as GoCardless is integrated into our other systems.

  • Paul Jansen commented
    18 Dec, 2023 10:22am

    Whilst I appreciate that this has been added to IRIS pay, this does not help those of us who have many customers with GoCardless.

  • Paul Jansen commented
    21 Mar, 2023 03:15pm

    Thanks to Support for reviewing this and changing the status to reflect the reality and for confirming this is still "in investigation".

    I have checked again and both Xero and QuickBooks have the option for the GoCardless direct debit collection to be started on the due date.

  • Paul Jansen commented
    15 Mar, 2023 04:53pm

    This idea is marked as Released, but I can find no way to set the GoCardless collection date as the due date.

    Can you direct me to where I can access this “Released” capability

  • Paul Jansen commented
    30 Apr, 2021 11:19am

    I have been asking for the payment to be initiated at the due date for years. Sadly this simple but valuable change has not yet been made

  • Paul Jansen commented
    10 Oct, 2018 05:21am

    I am confused as to how this can be marked as released.  I can still find no way to delay the collection of the DD payment with a repeat invoice

  • Guest commented
    19 Jan, 2017 04:19pm

    Excellent idea. This was one of the most attractive features of the Xero and GoCardless integration when we considered moving. However there were too many deal breakers with Xero.

    If this can be implemented with Kashflow, it would help to accommodate users with a large customer base with varying payment terms. Presently the immediate collection is an issue because:

    • Customers don't want to go on Direct Debit because they lose their credit terms
    • Customers don't have time to dispute invoices so they just cancel their Direct Debit and we have to set them back up
  • Guest commented
    10 Jan, 2017 09:15am

    This feature would give our business a huge improvement in admin efficiency. Currently we import invoice data for 100+ bills on 1 particular date each month from our third party billing platform and then have to manually collect the DDs 2 weeks later by going in to each invoice and clicking on the collect button. This means that we have to rely on our accounts person to do this. It's not been an issue so far, but does restrict when they can take holiday and would be a problem if they were off sick on that particular date. As our business is growing rapidly, it's becoming more of a concern as it's vital for cashflow purposes that we are able to collect the DDs on time. An automated collection date two weeks after the invoice is created would be a huge benefit to us and other Kashflow customers with similar requirements.

  • Guest commented
    10 Jan, 2017 09:15am

    This would be a boon where we are sending out domain renewal reminders over a month before they are due, but do not want to collect until nearer the expiry date. I think it's important that this enhancement is "after x days", where x can be customised per repeat invoice. In my domain renewal example, there is a long lead time, but for other services, billing is nearer the due date, so x would be a lower number.

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