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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Payments
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 3, 2019

Reformat page for Online payment icon on invoices


Sep 27, 13:34 BST

This is an email I sent to my accountants with regards to an issue with payment of Online invoices.

Has Kashflow been updated recently? I have just set up a test invoiced and emailed it to myself and opened the email/invoice on my iPhone.

I clicked on the icon on the invoice and another link came up for me to click on (My colleague said this wasn’t happening last week and 2 clients were unable to get the payment to go through).
I followed the link and a page came up for me to fill in card details, and I noticed on the left edge of the screen a “I’m not a robot” but I could only see the “a robot” part of the message. The rest of the message was lost over the left hand side of the screen(you could not see the instructions or pictures at all). Obviously if you don’t complete this function the payment doesn’t go through.

I did finally get a payment to go through on the second attempt, but that is only because I expect to see the “I’m not a robot” Can anything be done to improve the design so that clients using mobile phones can see all the required elements to make a payment. It sees to be formatted for larger screens.

Kind regards

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