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Changing customer info wiithout changing historical information

Recently we had a customer who slightly changed their contact details.  Not a new customer, same one, so we did not want to change historical information, only going forward.  We did not want to add then as a new customer as they were already an existing customer.  I think this is an actual bug or flaw in the software - this should be able to be done without having to add them as a new cusomer and without changing historical information.

  • Guest
  • Oct 16 2018
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Julie Shepherd commented
    19 Oct, 2018 08:29am

    Hi Lorraine, 

    When changing address details, the software asks if you wish to update all invoices - if you cancel out of that, the invoices already created will retain the original address details.

    Hope that helps.
