I have raised this with Support, who say it is calculating the depreciation as it should be in Kashflow, and if this is incorrect its a product issue not a support issue.
This is an example of depreciating an asset - what should happen, as I understand it:
Asset purchased on 12/09/2016 at a value of £156.94
Depreciation for the first 12 months (12/09/2016 – 12/09/2017) (£23.54)
Net book value as at 12/09/2017 £133.40
However, the Kashflow journal is basically saying:
Asset purchased on 12/09/2017 at a value of £156.94
Deprecation in year 1 for period 12/09/2017 – 12/09/2018 (not calculated by Kashflow) (£23.54)
Depreciation calculate by Kashflow for period 12/09/2017 – 12/09/2018 (Automatic Kashflow journal) (£20.01)
Net book value as at 12/09/2017 (according to Kashflow) £113.39