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Mispostings Account/Write-Offs System

I have encountered an issue with KashFlow, whereby 'Old/Aged' Purchases as far back as 2010 are showing up as 'Overdue' and thus effecting the true balance of what Monies is owed out on the Dashboard.  This must've occurred in the importing process from Sage.  I contacted KashFlow for a solution to this as just 'deleting' would effect the Reconciliations, however, there is no current solution other than to 'delete' then amend the Reconciliations again, which is just not feasible after twelve months worth of Reconciliations.  As there is no solution presently I would like to propose a 'Mispostings/Write-Offs' option to which you simply click on and pen a quick note 'Old Debt Write Off' for example and the purchase or posting be taken to a 'dormant' section of the software which has zero effect on Reconciliation figures.  I hope this is understandable and feasible to do, as it would be very helpful.  I have previously had this option (on other software used) and never realised it's importance until now.  If anyone else has any thoughts or tips with this situation, I would be so grateful.

  • Guest
  • Oct 26 2018
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  • Guest commented
    6 Dec, 2018 01:41pm

    Hi Jen, have you managed to figure this out please as we have exactly the same problem and are trying to complete completion accounts for a company sale! Any advice, greatly appreciated please 

  • Guest commented
    30 Oct, 2018 09:36am

    Thank you for your response Rob, greatly appreciated.  Unfortunately, however, it's Purchases/Suppliers and not the Customers Invoices side of things that this idea relates too.  Thank you for the tip though, this will come in handy should I need to 'Write off' Customer Debits/Credits.

  • Rob Smith commented
    28 Oct, 2018 02:07pm

    There is a refund button in the payment section of each invoice - if you click on this you are given a drop down that includes 'Write off as bad debt' - not sure how this would affect your reconciliation as I've never used it but it looks like it might help - Bob