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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Suppliers
Created by Guest
Created on May 11, 2018

Re: New Supplier / Customer views - Default to "Transactions" rather than "Profile"

When you search for a customer or supplier, 99% of the time you are looking to add a new purchase or create an invoice or view an existing transaction... Once a year you may want to update an email address or phone number so this current default seem illogical. 

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  • Guest
    Jul 25, 2018

    Please can we have it as it was so much easier. The new dating system is so confusing on suppliers and customers.

  • Guest
    Jul 4, 2018

     Agree So much better as it was!

  • Charles Hewitt
    Jul 4, 2018

    Please merge with my suggestion

    In particular:

    The default list of Transaction is 'This Year', come Jan 2019 by default no transactions will be listed and the fiddly way to change the default date is to select the changed from date AND click run.  It would improve the work flow to list by default the last 12 months of transactions (or at least have that as an option) AND initiate the run action on a change of date and remove the Run button.  This would reduce the mouse interactions required by half.  The drop down options include Last Year, but this list Last years transactions and no the most recent, a 'Last 12 Months' would accomplish this.

  • CEO
    Jun 20, 2018

    Who needs to see a customer profile every time? Virtually no one I would guess. Please please, let's go straight to transactions. Cut out that extra step.

  • Guest
    May 13, 2018

    I used to use “previous invoices and previous purchases” tabs all the time. It used to show a list of invoices for each customer and how long it had taken them to pay. Similarly, there was a list of receipts under the purchases tab. This needs to be put back.

  • Guest
    May 12, 2018

    also you don't need all of the customers financials on show it was fine how it was 


Re: New Supplier / Customer views - Default transaction view to Purchases for Supplier, and Invoices for Customers

Building on the other request for defaulting to transactions... the default view should I.m.h.o. be Purchases for Supplier tab and Invoices for Customer Tab. This would reflect the previous user experience and you still have the option to change t...
Guest almost 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Suppliers 3 Released

Bloody upgrade

I've no idea which Muppet decided to get their crayons out on the latest Kashflow upgrade but I wish they hadn't. I've only been logged in a few minutes and already you have annoyed me! So far......on the Supplier screens... No1....If keeps defaul...
Adam Collett over 6 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Dashboard 0 Released