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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Other
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 12, 2018
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit KF-I-3158 Allow More Than 2 Decimal Places.

use more than 2 decimal places when adding up invoices Merged

I use kashflow mainly for invoices and charge 4% on top of all my products. Customers with multiple items are been charged incorrectly as each line item is only rounding up to 2 decimal places and the total bill for example is £184.10. Kashflow is saying the 4% vat is £7.33 but it should be £7.36. This was pointed out by one of my customers who used Xero as it works it out for her. look very unprofessional when Kashflow cant do basic maths. Granted this might be a specific problem to me as not many business will charge 4% on top of there produce. Kashflow please help me on this as I really not want to change to another provider as everything else is brilliant.