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Status Released
Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Projects
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 19, 2017

Project data to be easily visible

We need to allocate all purchases to Projects. We had them all allocated on Sage, but sadly could not import them. Therefore need to edit every single item to add the Project field. No way of seeing which items have Projects already allocated to them, on Kashflow you cannot view transactions and filter it down to see if a project is assigned to it . You have to 'edit' each purchase to find out.  Please can you add the field 'Project' to the Purchase item view screen and also to the transactions in the activity report. 

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  • Guest
    May 15, 2018

    Please can you explain why this is being released.

    For every supplier, if you want to see what Project a purchase is allocated to, you have to do ‘edit’ for each purchase, because it is not visible on ‘display’.

    Why can the field ‘Project’ simply not be displayed when you view a purchase? There is plenty of space on the screen!





    When you do ‘Edit’ there is space across the screen for Purchase Code, Project, Qty, Description, Rate, Total.

    I look forward to your response.

    Kind regards
    Heather Mellersh

    Karter Developments Ltd

  • Guest
    Mar 14, 2018

    Hi Natasha

    Project data to be easily visible has changed status to: Started KF-I-4581
    Please could you update me on progress with this enhancement.

    I don’t understand why it is difficult – when you view a purchase it currently displays description only. Whereas when you do ‘Edit’ it then also shows Purchase code and Project so there is obviously space on the screen to show this when you just view.

    Kind regards
    Heather Mellersh

    Karter Developments Ltd
    01753 740720