Your ideas allow us to crowdsource feedback, gain customer insight and prioritise our roadmaps.
What we want is basically a download/print button at the top right of the screen, as you have in the invoices and quotes sections, so that we can download a one page word doc containing all the info contained in the Project Order Details box, including the text box at the bottom. We would not want the Financials or list of reports to come up on the doc.
We are creating a Project Orders in Projects now for each job we do (we were previously using Quotes, but that was messing up our P&L. We need to be able to download a printable document of each Project Order overview, which we can email to a client to sign.
This feature requested has not been prioritized at present, however this doesn't mean it won't ever make the roadmap, it just means we can't guarantee it's inclusion.
Are you able to give us a rough expected timeline, please?
Dear Canvass
It would really help us to plan our business processes if you could supply a timeline for when this idea will be either accepted or rejected and, if accepted, when we will have the functionality.
I realise you have many ideas to juggle, but as this is a matter of copying to Projects the functionality you already have in Invoices and Purchases to download, print or email a PDF, we imagine this would be relatively straight forward work from your end. We have a very labour-intensive, less professional-looking and more open-to-error work-around in the interim, but it would certainly make our process more seamless to have the ability to export data in Projects to a PDF.
No one has replied to my comment of 24/11 asking for a time frame. We would all be grateful if you could give us some idea of how long we will need to wait for this fix.
Thank you
Dear Natasha or colleague
Thank you for acknowledging this request and saying on 07/11 that you will put it under review. However, I note that the status still does not say that it is being reviewed. Please could you advise a likely timeline of a) when the status will change to under review, b) when we will know if this will definitely be developed - ie review completed and c) if the request is accepted for development, how long that might take - ie when we might have the function?
Many thanks
Hi Natasha,
Given the 'professional' look of the Invoice or Purchase order your suggestion of the Ctrl +P is not a great look for our customers who are used to an email generated from Kashflow with the PDF attached.
Our only solution is to cut and paste the html content into a created template but this does not transfer all the header information so we have to re-enter the details. We will do this until you have a report sorted. We would appreciate this a soon as your developers are able to resolve.
Thanks, Chris
Hi All
This will be put into Review. In the meantime, you can use CTRL+P when sitting on the Project area to print the details. If you download a PDF printer, you can print to that.
It seems ludicrous that the collection of data in a formatable data collection frame is impossible to access once entered. The data does not appear in the global report and appears to indicate the possibility of presentation in a single page, single project report. If this Project section is to be at all useful then capacity to output either a word document or a PDF version formatted from the html frame is essential.