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Status Released
Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Invoicing & Quotes
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 15, 2017

Mark invoices/quotes as posted

You currently have a "sent "symbol when invoices are emailed to customers. Clearly useful for a system with more than one admin member so that invoices are not sent twice. The same cannot be said for invoices/quotes that have been printed and posted. Considering all the other fancy up to date stuff available on here, surely it can't be a difficult or time consuming thing to add, even something as simple as a checkbox on the viewing list. While we the service may have moved with the times and moved online, not all our customers are of the same mindset. This minor addition, would avoid us sending the same invoice to a customer twice, as is more than possible with two/three admin staff. It would also save us time when looking at a glance. I have added notes to invoices to say they are posted but you have to manually open the invoice  and scroll to the bottom to see this is the case.

Such a useful/small addition would I'm sure benefit not just ourselves but other kashflow members too. I've seen others have made this comment previously, however, one comment was back in January and so I'm hoping that you will see that this is not just one voice but there will be many others that feel the same, and that it makes the product a more useful tool.


Please consider this much needed request.

KInd regards,


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an icon to show when an invoice has been printed

Add icons to the invoice screen to show when an invoice has been printed (like the emailed icon) and also when reminder letters have been sent
Guest about 8 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Uncategorised 2 Released

Ability to Mark an invoice as sent via post, similar to the emailed icon status

Occasionally we have some customers who require an invoice sent by post. It would be useful to have a visual indicator for 'post' akin to the emailed icon status when viewing invoices. The 'posted' status for an invoice could be set on an individu...
Guest over 7 years ago in IRIS KashFlow / Invoicing & Quotes 0 Released